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A Man Was Hilariously Caught On Camera Cringing After His Girlfriend Caught The Bridal Bouquet


A wedding is not only a celebration of love between two people and affirming that love with a commitment to be with each other “till death do us part.


” It’s also a joyful occasion where friends and family can get together with the newlyweds and for both sides of the family to get to know each other better.

This is why the wedding reception is almost as important as the church ceremony itself because people can interact while enjoying good food and drink. But aside from the usual song-and-dance routines, one of the most anticipated moments is the throwing of the bridal bouquet.


Watch the reaction of a man whose girlfriend caught the bridal bouquet.

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Video credit: Rumble

At least, it’s anticipated by all the single girls but dreaded by these girls’ partners. This is because tradition dictates that whoever manages to catch the bridal bouquet will be the next one to walk down the aisle. For a lot of single guys who have girlfriends, getting married will be one of the biggest leaps in their lives and sometimes trying to get a guy to the altar is akin to taming a wild stallion.


While some guys will cringe inside if their girlfriend happens to catch the bouquet, some guys instinctively manifest it in their body language. And one man had the misfortune of having his instinctive reaction caught on camera and now the hilarious video has gone viral.


It all happened during a wedding in Bellville, Ohio, where the bride threw her bouquet during the outdoor wedding reception. As the women scramble to catch the bouquet, one woman in a black dress succeeds.

The one filming the whole thing apparently knows the woman so he immediately pans to the woman’s long-term boyfriend. He can be seen standing several meters away with a drink in his hand. But it’s his unflattering reaction that has gotten the attention of the Internet.


Rather than looking pleased that his girl bagged the bouquet and that they’re next in line for the altar, he actually looks horrified. The camera then zooms in and catches the guy “cringing” and obviously shaking his head.


The clip generated a few comments from people who joked about the future of this couple’s relationship.


One person commented: “[He’s] like = Not today satan.”

Another wrote: “Apparently she’s not a keeper.”

A third said: “That’s [awful]. I’d dump him.”

However, the person who uploaded the original video clarified that the couple has been together for several years and even have a two-year-old child.


The person wrote: “We are all friends and they thought the video was hilarious.”

It’s certainly funny now but we all have to wonder if the guy slept in the doghouse in the immediate aftermath of the video coming out.




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