Categories: life

Man With Depression Shares Hidden Messages His Girlfriend Leaves For Him And People Love Them!

One Twitter user shared a heartwarming story about how his girlfriend leaves him fun and warm messages all around the house to help him combat his seasonal depression.


AshciR’s heartwarming story touched the heart of social media users and it quickly went viral. It gained more than 50,000 retweets and over 300,000 likes on Twitter!

Keep scrolling to see his girlfriend’s sweet messages that will make you awww and giggle and let us know what you think in the comments section.


Twitter user AshciR wrote on Twitter: “My gf knows that I suffer from seasonal depression, and in order to help me with it she left me random messages in my apartment to make me smile.


“It’s been a week since she left and I’m still finding them the most obscure places. A thread.”






One Twitter user commented: “She is invested! You better make this work, cuz she looking like a keeper. I could use some of those notes.”


Another said: “Wow! This is priceless bredda. That’s a real one. Hold on tight.”

A third wrote: “I love how you appreciate this and RECEIVE this love because I remember someone telling an old friend that she was “doing too much.””


Someone else commented: “This is one of those things you come across that makes you happy for a whole lot of reasons. I wish you both the best that life has to offer.”

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this heartwarming story with your family and friends to spread some love!