Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Can You Find The Man’s Dog In 10 Seconds? Only Eagle-Eyed People Can Spot The Adorable Pooch!


It’s time to help a confused dog owner find his puppy so that he can take the animal for a walk.


Dogs are truly our best friends, and many of us couldn’t imagine our lives without our adorable companions by our side. Today, you’ll be putting your eyes to good use by helping a dog owner find his mischievous doggie.

The dog is hiding somewhere in the picture below. Let’s see how quickly you can spot it!


Clearly, the dog is too lazy to go for a walk which is why it is hiding somewhere in the image. But where?

The image features a colorful living room filled with various furniture, toys, books, and other household objects. While you can see dog-like shapes on the curtain in the background, keep in mind that your job is to find a real dog!


Take another look and give it your best shot before scrolling down for the answer.

Source – Pexels

Have you found the hidden pooch yet? It’s definitely somewhere in there, but only the most observant people can notice it thanks to its camouflage.


Here’s a big hint for you. The dog is yellow and it blends in perfectly with that big carpet in the center of the room!

If you still can’t find it, scroll down to see its hiding spot.


Did you manage to find the dog without any help? If this challenge wasn’t hard enough for you, here’s another viral brain teaser you might enjoy.


This time, you’ll be looking for a mouse in a messy library!


As you can see, the librarian is instructing her cat to catch the mouse before it chews through her precious books. But how’s the cat going to find a tiny mouse in such a big room?


Do you think you can spot the mouse? Time to zoom in and focus. Once you’re done, let us know how long it took you to pass the test!


Did you manage to pass both visual tests? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and brain teasers, follow us on Facebook!