Categories: Culturelife

A Man Has Inside Of His Ears Removed In New Body Modification Trend

Body adjustment isn’t actually another marvel.


We saw this person a year ago who began distinguishing as a ‘transhumanist’, with in excess of 100 changes – including silicone horns.

Recently, a man went the additional mile when he voyaged the whole distance from Australia to the Calm Body Modification studio in Stockholm, absolutely to get within his ears cut out. That’s right, you read that right.


As per the studio’s Facebook and Instagram, the methodology is known as a ‘conch expulsion’, and includes taking out the ‘concha’ – the centrepiece of the external ear. It’s otherwise called the auricle or the pinna.


Fresh #conchremoval on @charlesvbentley who traveled around the world from Australia to have this procedure performed by…

Posted by Chai At CALM – Body Modification Practitioner on Friday, March 15, 2019

Chai Maibert, who owns the studio, wrote on social media: “Fresh #conchremoval on @charlesvbentley who travelled around the world from Australia to have this procedure performed by me at @calmbodymodification. Truly humbled!”


The picture is clearly taken quite soon after the removal took place, so it might not look as grim once it’s healed…

People certainly had a lot to say about the conch removal, with many taking the opportunity to well and truly rip into ‘Charles’.


One user on Facebook wrote: “Sips IPA: ‘stretched lobes are so mainstream. Having my ears removed is like…you know…spiritual’…”

While another simply said: “Well here it is. The stupidest shit I’ve ever seen.”


Not all the comments were negative, though, with one girl posting: “I personally think this looks rad.”

“It might impair your ability to hear the direction of sound for the first week or two until your mind has adjusted to your new ears. Hearing from behind will in fact improve.


“Our ears   ‘catch’ sound as it did aeons of years ago when our ears were bigger hence why we have to create a bigger ‘ear’ by cupping our hand around our ear to hear better.”

Well, that’s OK then – sounds like science to me. Unfortunately, an audiologist didn’t agree with Chai’s reasoning.


Sar Gilani wrote: “As an audiologist, this is really making my eyes bleed. The whole post, picture, everything. Please for the love of your own ears and hearing, do not get this procedure done thinking it won’t make a difference to your hearing.


“Please use your brain with common sense before getting such procedures done. Please.”



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