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Woman Confronted Passenger Next To Her After He Fat-Shamed Her On Plane

00 7.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Woman Confronted Passenger Next To Her After He Fat-Shamed Her On Plane

Criticizing someone for their weight is so cruel.


But sadly it happens everywhere. People judge others by their skin color, their weight, and their religion. It is so shameful that it still happens with so many people even after we have made progress.

People don’t realize these things can hurt people and can make them lose their confidence. It is so pathetic and should be stopped!5957228deda62_nat3_59572233bc1c2


Natalie Hage, a plus-sized model from Denton, Texas recently did something to stop this. Natalie was heading to Los Angeles for a photo shoot. A guy sitting next to her tried to fat shame her. But Natalie taught him a great lesson which he will never forget.


Natalie noticed that the man was texting someone about her weight. He said, since “Natalie was taking up too much room”, he was leaving a “neck mark on the window”.  He also said that she looked like she’d “eaten a Mexican.” He sent a series of hurtful messages which made her furious and she decided to teach him a lesson.


Natalie who is also an admin of legendary anti-body-shaming movement @effyourbeautystandards posted on Instagram about the incident.


“As soon as I sat down… I see him furiously texting and then purposefully turning the phone away from me. So, naturally, next time he texts, I take a look,”

“From the photos, you can see I’m not in his space. He’s taken over both arm rests on purpose, coming to my space and digging his elbows into my side… which is in my seat.”, she posted on her Instagram.


Natalie confronted him right there and uploaded a video of her confronting the man. “He tried lying, but when I started quoting him, he knew I was for real. Do you normally make fun of fat people? Is that something that you like to do?” Natalie wrote on Facebook.


He quickly apologized and claimed he’d been drinking. Watch the video below how Natalie confronted the bully.

This is so shameful! Everyone supported and praised her, she did exactly what she should have done! After seeing everyone’s support in her favor, she thanked everyone who supported her on Instagram. We are also with Natalie, she did right.