Categories: life

33-Year-Old Man Now Identifies As ‘Agender Alien’ After Having Eyebrows Removed To Look Less Human

33-year-old Jareth Nebula from Edmonds, Washington was born a woman and transitioned as a man.


He changed his name when he was 29.

But he recently revealed that he belongs to another gender – an alien.

The model, who also works as a barber’s shop receptionist, even had his eyebrows and nipples removed to ‘feel less human.’


Jareth, who identifies as agender, which means ‘without gender’, prefers to be referred with the pronoun ‘they’.


Unlike the term gender-fluid, a word referring to a person whose gender identity is not fixed, agender refers to being gender neutral or gender-less.


Jareth has shaved off their eyebrows and has a total of 78 stars across their body. Talking about their transition journey, they said: “After coming out as transgender and believing I had finally found myself, I realized I was wrong – I wasn’t male or female, or even human.


“I don’t think or feel like humans. I can’t really explain it to others – I’m simply otherworldly.

“I didn’t feel comfortable as either gender or even anything in between. I know I’m stuck in a human form and that’s how I’m perceived by others – but to me, I’m an alien with no gender.”


Jareth also said they started to think they didn’t fit in among their peers after they were diagnosed with a rare condition known as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

The disorder affects connective tissues supporting a number of organs and tissues and can result in fragile skin and over-flexible joints.


His doctors named Jareth ‘Mr. Elastic’ because of his condition.

Speaking about his disorder, which leaves Jareth’s skin smooth and wrinkle-free, they said: “The condition means I can pop my joints out on purpose, which was a fun party trick when I was a kid.


“Now I realize why I could do that. My pain in my joints got worse as I got older and I would find it harder to move day to day.


“I get to a chiropractor once every two weeks and see a physical therapist once a week, as well as smoking medicinal marijuana for the pain – but there is currently no cure for EDS.”

When Jareth reached 29 years old, they came out as a trans male. They started taking testosterone injections and breasts removed. But they still left struggling with gender identity.


“I thought being a trans man would solve all of my issues and inner battles with finding out who I was, but I wasn’t as happy as I expected to be,” they said.


“I felt like I was trying to fit into someone else’s box. I didn’t want to be constrained – that’s when I discovered what agender was.

“I’d always been obsessed with aliens, too, and what it means to be extraterrestrial, so the idea of being an agender alien fit perfectly as an identity for me.”


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