Categories: Healthlife

Man Lost Use Of His Legs After Parasite Crawled Up His Privates While On Holiday

james6.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Man Lost Use Of His Legs After Parasite Crawled Up His Privates While On Holiday

32-year-old James Michael spent three months in hospital as he lost the use of his legs after swimming in a lake.


It was two years ago when James went swimming in Lake Malawi in Africa with his two other friends but he had no idea a parasite had burrowed itself into his penis.

The parasitic worm laid eggs inside him, making him so ill that his immune system started attacking his spine.


James was hospitalized for three months as doctors did their best to fight the life-threatening infection. For four months, he had to use crutches and he also suffered from digestive problems.


“When I look back at photos from my time in Africa, it’s weird to think that’s where the parasite crawled up my penis,” James shared.

“That wasn’t exactly how I imagined the trip of a lifetime with my friends going – the whole experience was surreal and strange.


“This journey has made me definitely think more about my health and about how I look after myself – like reading up on health risks when I travel.


“I would urge anyone thinking of getting into Lake Malawi not to. It’s just not worth the potential risks of a little worm climbing in your body through your parts. It’s a grotesque, sickening thought. This has been horrendous. It’s felt like a never-ending mountain I’ve had to climb.”


The three canoed for three hours a day in Lake Malawi before they returned to the UK. “Even though I contracted the infection then, nothing happened and I was able to leave for home thinking nothing was wrong.”


But after a year, James noticed a loss of feeling in both his legs. It got worse after a few weeks until he couldn’t climb up only 15 steps to his apartment.


Doctors from the Hospital For Tropical Diseases informed him that a parasitic worm had entered through his penis and laid eggs in his body.

James was diagnosed with bilharzia, an infection caused by parasitic worm living in fresh water in tropical and subtropical regions. He received suitable medication that killed the infection but he was “left basically debilitated.”


He added: “It was a horrible feeling – I felt completely helpless, and the odds weren’t good. I couldn’t wish what I’ve been through on anybody.”


James also struggled to maintain a sex life with his partner. “My girlfriend couldn’t hug me because just to touch me hurt and we’ve not been intimate with each other because it’s just too painful for me,” he expressed.


“I’ll certainly think twice before taking a dip in Lake Malawi.”


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