Categories: life

Man Shared Pictures Of Incredible Transformation After Beating Alcoholism

A man has shared pictures of his incredible transformation years after he ditched binge drinking and decided to walk on the path of sobriety.


37-year-old USA-based Kenny D, who works as a railroad engineer, started drinking on a regular basis after entering his college years.

Kenny D – Reddit

As his habits have worsened, there were weeks and months at a time when Kenny would drink excessively on a daily basis.


Eventually, however, the man realized he had to change in order to avoid ending up becoming a drunk and secure a better chance at a happy future.

Kenny D – Reddit

To mark the start of his sobriety, Kenny enrolled in a 12-step program by Alcoholics Anonymous that helped him steer away from temptations.


In addition, he decided to take a selfie each time he received a commemorative chip issued by the program leads to mark important milestones indicating that the person is on the right track.

Kenny D – Reddit

“I took a picture of myself the day I got my first sobriety coin, 24 hours sober. I felt so ill and I looked so bad, I wanted to remember it so I wouldn’t forget,” Kenny said in an interview with Bored Panda.


“The day I got my 30-day coin, I thought my look had changed drastically so I took another selfie.”

Kenny D – Reddit

The obvious change in his appearance drove Kenny to continue with his program until he started to look like a different person.


Speaking of his old habits, Kenny added:

“I could not drink without getting drunk. The biggest difference between myself now and three years ago is that today I live my life by a set of spiritual principles. From morning to night, I run all of my decisions through a sort of spiritual filter.

Kenny D – Reddit

“I do my best to not be resentful or spiteful or angry, though I am human and I have a tendency to forget sometimes. I’m not a saint.

Kenny D – Reddit

“If I have a problem that I can’t tackle with stuff in my normal spiritual toolkit, I get on the phone to my sponsor or another alcoholic-in-recovery. There is always somebody around to help, I just have to reach out.”


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