Watch his family’s HILARIOUS REACTIONS:
Video Credit: Youtube/CANRUSH
The last five years in men’s fashion has been a lot about the beards. The men all over the world have bearded like crazy fanatics.

We don’t know from where the phenomenon started but giving credit to the No Shave November movement won’t be an injustice. It began as a movement for raising awareness about men’s health but might have spurred a much more significant fashion trend.
Recently, Jon who is a YouTuber decided to clean shave after growing a beard for nearly three years. You must have seen many hilarious videos on the internet where dads record the reaction of their newborns when they see their father cleanly shaven for the first time. Jon did the same but with his mother and the rest of the family.

John runs a YouTube channel called “Canrush,” and her wife is also equally the part of his venture. They both love to travel long distances and decided to start their YouTube channel where they share their experiences of traveling, meeting new people and every fun thing that they do in their life.
Eva is Russian, and Jon is Canadian and the channel’s name Canrush has been inspired by their nationalities. The couple has two YouTube channels, one for the viewers who understand the English language and one for the Russians. The two got married four years ago in December 2018 and have so far traveled to 33 countries together.
Jon while traveling for so many years spent nearly two and a half years without shaving his beard. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to shave, but he was instead driven to grow one. And then one day he finally decided to shave it all off as soon as he finished his years of traveling.
Eva found his loving husband’s transformation to be amazing, and when Jon video called his mother, all she could say was “Oh my Goodness.” Many people liked Jon’s journey with his beard and have also commented that he now looks at least 20 years younger.
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