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This Man Can Accurately Shoot Hoops Using Both Of His Hands At The Same Time


Watch the amazing video below.


[rumble video_id=vau46 domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

While console and PC games (especially the MMO or massively multiplayer online games) have generally made arcade games less appealing than before the dawn of the Internet, people still go to arcade places to casually while away the time while having some fun with friends or as a place for guys to take their dates to so as to impress them with their prowess at any of the games there.


Those are just casual pursuits but there are also people who either because of training or because they’re just genetically gifted are just built to destroy records at these arcades. And this video shows one such occurrence at a hoops station.

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On the video are three men who are shooting hoops.point 147 | But what’s exceptional about the man on the leftmost side is that he’s consecutively shooting balls into the hoop.point 255 |


That’s already pretty good in and of itself but what makes him stand out even further is the fact that he’s shooting the balls one-handed and alternating between left and right.point 159 | He’s literally a ball-shooting machine that just scores one after the other.point 230 | 1


The guy on the rightmost side even looks over briefly as he’s not having much luck on his end. He must be wondering why he even bothered to play in the first place when there’s this hoop monster just a few stations away. What probably kept him in place was the fact that he already paid to play.


Eventually, the talented man starts missing some of his shots so he decides to up the ante by throwing the balls towards the hoops on the empty station beside him. He still misses some shots but the balls still impressively come close and even manages to score on some of them. And all of this while shooting the balls one-handed.

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One could speculate that perhaps this man plans to try out for the NBA someday but when he turns around, it turns out he’s a middle-aged man who doesn’t look athletic at all and even looks a little pudgy.point 284 |


He won’t be playing any high-level basketball games anytime soon, it’s just that he has this unique talent of consecutively sinking shots when he wants to.point 142 | 1

It wasn’t all effortless, though, as the man can be seen wiping some perspiration off his face as he gets his bag and leaves. Still, it was impressive enough that the young man immediately beside him looks over and even smiles at the camera as if saying, “There’s no way I can duplicate that!”