Categories: Healthlife

A Man With Covid-19 Symptoms Attended A Birthday Party And A Funeral; Later, 3 Of The Attendees Died

A Chicago man in February hugged the members of a grieving family at his close friend’s funeral and even shared meals with the family.


Some days later, he went to a birthday party where he again hugged the members of a different family and shared meals with them too.

These family gatherings and friendly gestures, however, proved to be fatal for three members.

The man was tested positive for the coronavirus disease later and ended up infecting fifteen people before social distancing was implemented in Illinois as well as other U.S. states.


Three out of those fifteen people ended up losing lives because of this man’s friendly gestures. The man showed mild respiratory symptoms when he attended the party and the funeral.


This case could be a super-spreading event, as these extended family gatherings could have facilitated coronavirus transmission beyond the household contacts and in the broader community.


Patients in this multifamily group in Chicago were as young as five and as old as eighty-six, and came in contact with one another at the birthday party, the church service and the funeral.


Amongst them, the three who died were above 60 years of age, and all of them had at least one underlying respiratory or cardiovascular medical condition.


The CDC noted that this incident highlights how necessary is social distancing even in the families for preventing the spread of coronavirus.


The man attended the funeral of a close friend. He shared the potluck meal and hugged four or more members of this friend’s grieving family. Within six days, all of them began showing the Covid-19 symptoms.


Three days later, he went to the birthday where he shared a meal with others and hugged other guests. Within a week, seven of them developed the coronavirus disease.


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