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Can YOU Solve This Seemingly Simple Math Problem That Is Driving People Insane

A seemingly easy math problem has been driving people insane with its surprising solution.


Though the math equation in question only has one solution, people have been fighting on the internet whether the correct answer is 1 or 16.

Credit – VonVon

Your job is to look carefully at the math problem in the picture and attempt to solve it. Keep in mind that whether you use BEDMAS, BEMDAS, BODMAS, PEMDAS, or PEDMAS to solve this math problem, the solution will ALWAYS be the same if you apply the rule correctly.


What number did you get in the end? Let us know in the comments before scrolling down for the solution!

Source – Pixabay

Here is the breakdown of our math problem!


8 ÷ 2(2+2) =          [Parentheses, brackets have the priority]
8 ÷ 2(4) =          [Multiplication and Division have the SAME priority! Always start with the one on the left]
4 x 4 = 16

Credit – VonVon

The correct answer is 16. If you carry out multiplication first, the answer is 1. This, however, is wrong, because multiplication and division have the same priority according to all operation orders – This means that you always start with the one on the left before moving on to the right side of the equation.

Source – Pixabay


Essentially, the order of operations is always the same in math, whereas BOMDAS and PEMDAS do exactly the SAME thing – the only difference is in wording, whereas BOMDAS stands for Brackets, Orders, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction, and PEMDAS stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction.


Additionally, PEMDAS is the same rule as PEDMAS and BOMDAS is the same rule as BODMAS. Why? In math, multiplication and division have the SAME priority.


Though multiplication is listed before division in PEMDAS, for example, this doesn’t mean that multiplications should be done before divisions throughout the equation. Instead, since the two have the same priority, one has to start at the left side and move to the right to get the right answer – and there is only one correct answer.



If you still don’t believe us that the answer can only be 16, feel free to take out your calculator and put the equation to the test.

What are your thoughts on this math problem? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more news and stories, follow us on Facebook!