Categories: life

McDonald’s Apologized After They Threw Water Over The Homeless Woman

Georgia Kenny is a nineteen years old girl who is homeless and was sleeping in front of a McDonald’s city center restaurant.


She sleeps in front of the café every day because she feels safe there, but one day a McDonald’s staff threw a bucket full of water over her. McDonald’s is apologizing for doing such a horrible thing with a homeless teenager.


The teenager was forced to live a homeless life as her relationship broke down. The worker threw water over her which made her wet and all her sleeping bags and belongings.


The girl referred to the worker as disgusting and was hoping that her belongings dry quickly because then she will be forced to spend another night in the cold.


Georgia told the Leicestershire Live that when she woke up, she could feel the wet legs and bags around her. She explained how an employee threw a bucket full of water over her, wetting all her belongings.


She also said that the particular employee who did this doesn’t like the homeless people because that’s why he didn’t consider waking me up before taking such a horrible step.


Though after this incident, McDonald’s is continuously apologizing to the girl. They also say that she was asked to move somewhere else.


They explained how they were sorry for whatever the employee did but one of the other crew members asked her to move, and she didn’t.

They agree that they should be more considerate towards people and stop taking such actions which is why they are talking to the employees and explaining this to them.


Though there was a passerby, who said that the employee did no such thing to wake up the teenager. Simon Clayton who is 44 years old said that he was passing by the street and he saw the employee pour water under the teenager who was sleeping, but he didn’t try to wake her up.


It is expected that from now on the McDonald’s employees will treat the homeless people with more consideration and not exploit them.

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