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Meghan Is ‘An Actress Who Knows How To Manipulate Her Audience’, Kate Middleton’s Uncle Says

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Kate Middleton’s uncle has slammed Meghan Markle as he went on to defend his niece from the Duchess of Sussex’s allegations.


In her bold CBS interview with Oprah, Meghan insisted that the Duchess of Cambridge made her cry despite British tabloids previously reporting that it was her who brought Kate to tears before her 2018 wedding.


Now, Kate’s uncle, Gary Goldsmith, spoke to The Mail on Sunday to defend the Duchess of Cambridge and accuse Meghan of being an actress who manipulates people around her.


“I don’t believe for a moment that Kate made Meghan cry. I’ve known Kate since she was born and she doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. It’s just simply not in her nature,” the 55-year-old insisted.

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“She’s even lovelier on the inside than on the outside. If anyone had a hissy fit, it must have been Meghan. Kate would have been trying to make the peace. I would fight for Kate’s honor until the day I die. She is the most spectacular person I’ve ever met.”


Mr. Goldsmith, who is the brother of Kate’s mother, went on to proclaim he doesn’t believe anything Meghan says.


“I don’t blame Meghan – she’s a Hollywood starlet. You can’t blame a tiger for biting the head off a sheep. But I don’t believe a word that comes out of her mouth. She’s an actress and knows how to manipulate her audience,” he added.


According to Goldsmith, he doesn’t believe that Meghan had to google the National Anthem as she claimed because Harry has known it since he was a child.

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He also blasted Meghan’s alleged suicidal thoughts and went on to slam the couple for “throwing” their grandmother “under a bus” on TV after asking for anonymity.


“The last time I checked, he was the face of a mental wellbeing charity. Where was he in all this? Surely as her husband, he should have been able to give her the help and support she needed,” Goldsmith said of Harry and Meghan’s mental health allegations.


“He’s a senior Army officer who has been in a war zone. He should be able to stand up for himself and his wife. He shouldn’t claim to be family-centric when he has hurt everyone who loves him.”


The furious uncle added: “You don’t ask for anonymity and take a step back from public life to then throw your family and your grandmother under a bus on TV. Why would you do that? The Royal Family is not racist, it’s not sexist, it’s not ageist. They are a moral compass.”


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