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“Men Want To Breakup With Me & Hookup With My Mum Because She Looks Younger”

A 26-year-old woman who is also a famous TikTok star is revealing her relationship dilemma, every time she goes out and it entails her mum.


Alyssa Kimber says that she may be 26, but her mum always manages to steal the handsome hunks, every time they’re out together. “These men always tend to go for my other, over me,” she revealed. But the fact that her mum is 2o years old is something that most younger men aren’t aware of, thanks to her mum’s stunningly youthful looks.


While it’s okay every once in a while, the 26-year-old laughed, things can truly get pretty awkward for her sometimes.

Source: The Sun

“My crushes love to hit on my mother all the time,” she revealed in a heartbroken manner. “For whatever reason, they prefer to go for her over me,” she revealed further.


While Alyssa Kimber is very gorgeous and stunning herself, the men just can’t seem to take their hands as well as their eyes off of her mother. And at times, it’s annoying and pretty weird too!

Source: The Sun

On her fan page, the TikTok star revealed the real or shall we say sad truth of having a mother who is as gorgeous as ever. “When your mother is as gorgeous and youthful-looking as mine, it’s pretty hard sometimes. Hence, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that this journey is filled with ups and downs,” she added.

Source: Twitter

The worst part is when the men in her life want to leave her for her mother and that’s something that she feels is not only gross but pretty unacceptable too.

Source: Instagram

Alyssa also has an 18-year-old sister named Lauren and she also appears uber-glam most of the time. Clearly, good looks run in the family but sometimes, being too good-looking does come at a cost and Alyssa feels she’s having to pay for it.