Categories: FoodHealthlife

Here Is A Simple Method Which Will Make You Sleep In Just One Minute

Are you one of those people who can’t fall asleep at night even after counting 1000 sheep? Are the day’s trials and tribulations stopping you from entering into the peaceful world of dreams? Well, I have brought just the solution for you.


You are three steps away from getting your daily dose of sleep.

The method is called the 4-7-8 method.

Lie down on your favorite bedspread and relax. Start in on by inhaling slowly and calmly through your nose for 4 seconds, and hold that oxygen in for 7 seconds. Then exhale slowly and calmly through your mouth for 8 seconds.


The effortlessness of this method will make you doubt its results, but you have to try it in order to find out.

Let’s find out how it works.


It is a proven fact that if you have too much on your mind then you will have trouble falling asleep.point 81 | When you are anxious, the amount of adrenaline in your blood increases and your breathing gets faster and lighter.point 177 | That’s where the 4-7-8 method comes in.point 212 |


It makes your breathing slow and deep, purposely acting as a sedative, which in turn forces the rhythm of your heart to slow down.point 107 | And when the rhythm of your heart slows down, it produces a calming effect on your body and lulls you to sleep.point 197 | 1

The 4-7-8 method not just helps you to fall asleep but it calms your mind too. When you concentrate on your breathing then the activity in your central nervous system reduces resulting in the lower levels of anxiety, relaxing your body immediately.


According to Andrew Weil, a Harvard medical doctor, the 4-7-8 method worked as an anesthetic and was majorly practiced by Indian Yogis since times immemorial.

The Yogis used to use this method to concentrate on their breathing pattern while meditating to attain a state of complete focus and relaxation.


You can use this completely harmless method to relieve yourself from stress or anxiety. If you are waking up in the middle of the night, feeling restless and anxious then concentrate on your breathing pattern by using this method.

This method is completely harmless and gives you immediate relief.


To ensure a good night’s sleep, try this mixture, right before hitting the slacks, just like the 4-7-8 method, this won’t disappoint you either.


Add ¼ tablespoon of Honey and 1/8 tablespoon of sea salt to 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Either swallow the mixture or add it to the lukewarm water. These ingredients, along with being healthy, reduce the blood cortisol levels which impact your ability to sleep.


Using these methods not only you can fall asleep in deep slumber, but you can stay asleep for however long you want.

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