Categories: HealthHealthlife

Michelle Mone Opened Up About Her Weight Loss Struggles After Losing 8 Stone

Scottish entrepreneur Michelle Mone has talked about her struggles when she was overweight and said being overweight is like self-abuse.


The 48-year-old ballooned to size 22 after her divorce from her first husband, Michael in 2012.


She was left with three children to look after and turned to food for comfort and started gaining pounds day by day.


Michelle told DailyMail: “I was at my heaviest and had three children running around me and [I was] launching Ultimo around the world. I was getting bigger and bigger.”

“I was abusing myself. I was on antidepressants from the doctor. It was awful.”


She was depressed but her parents, Duncan and Isabel, supported her and helped her lose weight.


Her parents wrote her letters encouraging her to lose weight. They told her to do it for herself and her children.


Michelle then decided to make a change and started her weight loss journey.

She has now lost 8 stone and is a size 10.

Michelle, the founder of the underwear brand Ultimo, now inspires others through her weight loss story.


After becoming a size 10, she wrote on Instagram that she has finally achieved her target weight.


She did it by following three simple rules – at less, eat healthily & work out 1 hour a day.

She told the Mirror: “Weight loss is all about your mindset. For many years I put pictures of myself that I didn’t like in the kitchen, it put me off snacking.”


“I’ve finally got to know my body and feel amazing in skinny jeans. I just need to be careful I don’t put it all back on now I’m hanging around the house all day.”


Michelle, who has been in a relationship with fiancé Doug Barrowman and was due to get married this week, said she’s now wedding-ready after losing weight.


Her wedding has been postponed due to coronavirus outbreak and she is now due to get married in August.



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