Categories: Entertainmentlife

Michelle Obama Showed Off Her Abs In Her New Workout Photo

The former First Lady shared a photo of lifting an exercise ball while squatting at the gym on Instagram and opened up about her fitness regimen.


Mrs. Obama wrote: ”It doesn’t always feel good in the moment,”

”But after the fact, I’m always glad I hit the gym. How did you all take care of yourself on this #SelfCareSunday? ??.”

Michelle Obama

The 55-year-old has given wellness message to fans worldwide who had gathered to see her appearances in promotion of her book Becoming.


”When it comes to our health as women, we are so busy giving and doing for others that we almost feel guilty to take that time out for ourselves,” she said.

”A lot of mothers will understand this, because I found myself looking around after I had my kids, and I didn’t have time for me, but my husband was at the gym every day. And I was like, well, how are you going to the gym? He was like, ‘I make time for the gym.’ I was like, what?” she recalled when her two daughters were babies.”

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”This was right when we started going to counselling, y’all, so this was one of our issues, you know? But I found myself getting mad at him because he was doing what he needed to do for him. And I think for us as women, many of us, we have a hard time putting ourselves on our own priority list, let alone at the top of it,” Obama said.


”If we don’t have our act together as women, as mothers, as grandmothers, we aren’t going to be able to get our kids on track.”

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In 2014, Michelle told PEOPLE: ”I make sure that I am up on my checkups. I have never missed a mammogram or a pap smear. I’ve had a colonoscopy. I don’t obsess about what I eat, but I do make sure that I’m eating vegetables and fruit,”


”I want to feel good, and I want to be as healthy as I can be because I want to be able to enjoy my 70’s and 80’s.”



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