Categories: life

Epstein Guards Were Charged For Documenting False Records During Incident

In a bizarre case that has shook many people, a high profile inmate who was taken in to prison was found dead while the correctional officers, Tova Noel and Micheal Thomas, 31 and 41 respectively had fallen asleep and were surfing the net rather than checking on Epstein’s cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center on the night of August 10th when the prisoner took his own life.



However, following the controversy, Noel and Thomas have both self-surrendered to the FBI, supported by more than a dozen correctional officers who had gathered there to support them in the courtroom.


Release of the Officers


Each of the officers however were later released on bonds of $100,000 each and they were also ordered to surrender all their firearms along with their travel documents.


Their fellow officers were there for them to form a protective blockade so as to shield them from the photographers as they left the court premises.


The officers were also ordered not to be in contact with each other till their next appearance which is scheduled on 25 November.


Noel’s attorney Foy, however, has criticized the entire incident and has said that to take away firearms from his client who has no history of violence is rash and crazy.

Whereabouts of the officer


Here are the total whereabouts of the two officers while the crime was committed:

  • They were on their desks browsing online and moving about in the common area
  • They also appeared to have fallen asleep for about two hours
  • Noel was found to be using her computer to search for some furniture sale sites
  • Thomas was also found to be surfing the net for motorcycle sales and news snippets.point 247 |

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Epstein’s body was found at 6:30 am the following morning.point 158 | Everyone is waiting with bated breath to see if there has been any foul play involved.point 229 |


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