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9-Year-Old Girl Whose Intuition Saved A Newborn Child Said She Was Guided By God

afafaaaaaa.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 9-Year-Old Girl Whose Intuition Saved A Newborn Child Said She Was Guided By God

9-year-old Elysia 2 was spending her day just like any other regular day before she felt a strong urge to go out to their yard.


She didn’t stop and followed her intuition. At first, she found nothing, but when she decided to return to her house, she heard faint cries coming from the bushes. She looked into the bushes and found something she would have never even thought of finding in her wildest dream. She found a newborn lying there; kicking its feet that told Elysia that it was alive.



She ran back to her house to call her mother for help. At first, her mother thought she might be daydreaming, but when she saw the baby herself, she told her daughter to run to the house, take the phone, and call 911.

The police came after shortly. The baby still had its umbilical cord attached. After the examination, the police told the baby was the lying there for a few hours and it got a sunburn. Apart from that, the baby was completely well and healthy.


In further investigation, police found out that the mother was a teenage girl who lives in the neighborhood.

Elysia told the police that God told her to go there and I went; God wanted me to save the baby. Police called Elysia baby’s guiding angel.


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