Categories: life

Miracle Recovery Of Baby Boy Who Was Forcefully Taken From His Mother’s Womb In Chicago

Yovani Lopez, who was born on April 23 has survived after getting ripped from the womb of his assassinated mother named Marlen Ochoa-Lopez.


The boy was rushed immediately to the Advocate Christ Medical Center that is in Chicago by Clarisa Figueroa where the boy in the womb was found strangled.


It was a critical condition of the little boy to survive. However, after six weeks, the health condition of the boy became stable and was able to take breath without the help of the ventilator for the first time.


Figueroa, who has murdered his mother, Marlen Ochoa-Lopez was put behind bars on Mary 15 after a DNA test was performed. The boy was reunited with his father Yovani Lopez Sr.


Everyone lost the hope that the boy would survive, but he started to recover slowly. This has been very good news for the family, which was in the trauma of losing the mother.


Last month the boy was not showing any progress and the brain function was always very slow, but the prayers of the boy’s family have been answered and the boy who was taking a breath with the help of the ventilator was able to breathe normally.


The attorney stated that Lopez Sr and his family have major concerns about the lady who has killed his wife and why the accused was thinking that the baby is hers.


The hospital is under the radar for not informing the police after this gruesome thing that has happened. Moreover, Figueroa was the one who admitted Marlen Ochoa-Lopez in the hospital, but there are no signs that Figueroa has actually given birth to the baby.


After killing this day, Figueroa called 911 and reported that she gave birth to the boy.


The Paramedics and firefighters have immediately rushed to the place and found the body to be stuffed in the lawn and they immediately took the body to the hospital where she was thoroughly examined by the OB technician in the labor and delivery section.


Though, there is blood on the arms and hands, but there are no physical signs that can prove that she gave birth to the baby.


The hospital did not alert the police and the Department of Children and Families. For many weeks, she pretended that the baby was hers.


However, after seeing the Facebook contact of the victim with the Figueroa family, there is some light shed on the truth. The police have put the daughter of Figueroa and her boyfriend behind bars.

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