Categories: Familylife

A Couple Was Told To Terminate One Of The Babies But The ‘Miracle Triplets’ Survived

At 19 weeks, the couple were told they may have to terminate one of the babies.


Tanya Hall, 30, and her husband Kris, 41, from Hessle, Yorkshire, were about to lose their triplets due to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS).

The triplets were diagnosed with life-threatening condition three twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), where uneven blood flow between the babies causes one of them to get more nutrients than the others.


The tragic stage may result in one baby can get too big and suffer heart failure, while the other may become dangerously underdeveloped. 

Caters News Agency

It was almost clear that Mrs. Hall will have to be operated on that same day unless the babies would not survive. Doctors believed that even surgery would not be able to save the baby and one baby would not make because the condition was already at an advanced stage. 


Mrs. Hall said: ”To know we could have lost our boys leaves us over the moon to have Rupert, Austin and Ethan home with us.”

”To hear there was something so badly wrong with my babies was devastating.”

Caters News Agency

”Due to one of the babies getting more blood than the others, there was a possibility we would have to let one of the smaller babies go for the sake of the other two. The ultimate horror.’


”Our little miracles are now ten weeks old. I often look down at them and feel like I’m the luckiest mom in the world.”

Mr. and Mrs. Hall both work in research in development in healthcare and they found out they were expecting triplets when she was six weeks pregnant.


Mrs Hall said: ”To discover we were expecting was amazing as it was our dream to have a family.”

Caters News Agency

”After a minor scare, we went into the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit at Hull Women’s and Children’s Hospital when I was six weeks pregnant.”  


”When they did the ultrasound, they discovered not just one heartbeat, but three.”

”Kris and I were relieved and ecstatic firstly to know everything was alright, but secondly, because we found out it was identical triplets.”

MEN Media

”At 19 weeks pregnant it all went wrong when I was diagnosed with TTTS at Hull Women’s and Children’s Hospital.”


”There was more terrible news, as the doctors told me I was at high risk of early labor because my cervix had shortened.”

”Doctors said if the boys were to be born at 19 weeks, it would be disastrous.” 

”They were unlikely to survive and would be classed as a miscarriage. I was heartbroken, but had to go straight in for surgery.”


”It sounded so alien to us, we were in shock.”

”The op was so frightening, but the medics were pleased. Then we had the long wait to see if I went into early labor.”

Caters News Agency

”From 23 to 24 weeks, premature babies are potentially viable with over half surviving so I was desperate to at least hit that milestone to give my boys a fighting chance.”


”Doctors initially advised I should give birth at 28 weeks but I felt like they needed a bit longer as I was worried about any preterm complications.”

”I somehow miraculously managed to hold off the labor until 31 weeks.”


”Austin was born first and hearing him cry was such an amazing moment – to deliver all three and be told the boys were doing well was a massive relief.”

Caters News Agency

”Because they were born at night it wasn’t until the next morning I got to meet them properly after they were whisked off to the NICU straight after they were born to be put on breathing supports.”

 ”It was very daunting seeing my three tiny babies with tubes covering them. The first cuddle with each baby was so emotional – they were so precious and fragile looking.”

”I am so glad they didn’t need to come home from the hospital with any equipment as they’re doing well enough on their own.”


”I love dressing them in matching clothes. My favorite outfit is the adorable bow tie and waistcoat onesies I got each of them – they look so cute.”

Caters News Agency

”The outreach nurse has been frequently checking on the babies and she’s actually really surprised to see how well they’re doing. She said she’s never seen anything like it, which is great news to know our boys are doing okay.”


”They have doubled their weights and it has been hard work having three babies at once, but it’s actually a lot easier than I expected.”

”Having the boys home makes it feel like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders. They’re finally safely with us.”


”It was such a tense and worrying pregnancy, so it’s amazing that we’re finally all together.”