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Missing Teen Returns Home After Two Years, His Story Left The Authorities Surprised

teen missing.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Missing Teen Returns Home After Two Years, His Story Left The Authorities Surprised

Aubrey Carroll is a 17-year-old teen who returned home after he disappeared for two years.


Police authorities announced in a press release on Tuesday that Aubrey has returned home safe and seemingly unharmed.

Watch the video to know more.

In the video, he tells people that he is perfectly fine and healthy and appreciates the people who supported his family.


On April 10, 2018, the investigators of this case from FBI, the Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office and the Spalding County Sheriff’s Office met Aubrey’s parents to give them the details of their recent investigations, says Captain Dwayne Jones.


In the press release organized by the SCSO, Sheriff Darrell Dix told the people that Aubrey’s parents were given the details of latest whereabouts of Aubrey.point 134 | They showed the pictures of Aubrey and told them that Aubrey had created a Facebook page under a fake identity.point 226 |


The investigators also found that Aubrey was in contact with the law enforcement agencies of Alabama and Arizona under the same assumed identity.point 123 | The authorities had found out that Aubrey had become a part of the group of people who survive by trading goods and services and traveling from state to state.point 254 |


He had traveled expansively in Midwest and on the west coast.point 51 | 1

Sheriff Dix described them as the people who would have existed in the Woodstock era. But the most important point was that even though he was living with these kinds of people now, he did not look like he is under any threat.


Sheriff Dix further added to his statement that the authorities and Aubrey’s parents mutually decided that it’s best to let Aubrey come home on his own, else he would leave again as he is already 17 and there is nothing that would stop him from leaving Georgia this time.point 227 |


Still, one of Aubrey’s family members contacted Aubrey and somehow convinced him to talk to his mother.point 89 | Aubrey told his mom that he would come home, but there are a few conditions which included the people he wanted to interact with after coming home.point 210 | 1


On Tuesday morning, the authorities and Aubrey’s parents were sitting and listening to Aubrey telling the amazing experiences he has had in the last two years, and the authorities were genuinely impressed.

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