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Doorbell Camera Captured Missouri Sheriff Deputy Saving The American Flag From Touching The Ground

untitled 1 44.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Doorbell Camera Captured Missouri Sheriff Deputy Saving The American Flag From Touching The Ground

Check out the video of the man saving the american flag from touching the ground.


Video credit: KMBC 9

A sheriff’s deputy and veteran in Missouri went above the call of duty earlier this month after spotting an American flag on a broken flagpole that was nearly on the ground.

A Missouri sheriff’s deputy is used to seeing an American flag as it waves in a home’s front yard when he patrols the neighborhood, according to “Fox & Friends.”


But when he was driving in Avondale on March 15, he noticed part of the flag was touching the ground after a storm, Fox reported.


“I’m not necessarily on the lookout for it, but driving in that area I’ve always noticed his flagpole up with the flag waving, and driving through that area that particular morning I noticed it was down and just had to pick it up,” Deputy Brandon McElroy said, according to “Fox & Friends.”


What he did next was captured on the resident’s Ring security camera. The resident shared that video with the Clay County, Missouri, sheriff, and it was posted to the office’s Facebook page.

In the video, McElroy is seen driving by the home before turning his patrol vehicle around and stopping nearby. The video shows the American flag draped along with the lawn, with the bent pole parallel to the ground.


The deputy was then recorded as he folded the red, white and blue flag into a triangle while on the porch. That’s the “correct method of folding the United States flag,” according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.


McElroy is an Air Force veteran, KHQ reported.

He said he didn’t know his act was being recorded by the surveillance camera, Fox reported, and he didn’t know he was captured on video until the homeowner’s wife thanked him.

Jerri Noble told KHQ that when he got home on March 15, he saw that his flag pole was broken. It wasn’t until he checked his doorbell camera that he learned what McElroy did, the station reported.


“It means a lot to me,” the deputy said, according to FOX. “Growing up, you show your respect to the flag. Doing little things such as making sure it doesn’t touch the ground or picking it up off the ground, just little things you can show it respect.”


“Something as small as that cloth represents a lot in this country, whether it’s the men and women that have died for it or the men and women that wear it to this day serving our country so we can have the freedoms that we have and enjoy the things that we do on an everyday basis,” he said.




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