Categories: FunlifeQuiz

There Is A Big Mistake Somewhere In This Picture – How Fast Can You Find It?

whats wrong here 5.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - There Is A Big Mistake Somewhere In This Picture – How Fast Can You Find It?

Do you consider yourself a very observant person who isn’t afraid to take on a challenge? If yes, you’ve come to the right place.


In today’s set of picture puzzles, we will put your eyes to the ultimate test and see if you have what it takes to be called a puzzle master!

In the picture below, there lies a big error that the majority of people can’t see. How fast can you find it and solve the mystery?

Credit – BrainyCounty

As you can see, the image features a tray with three glasses and a glass bottle on it. One can also notice a matchbox and two wooden sticks. But where’s the mistake?


To solve this puzzle, you’re going to have to look very closely. Double-check everything before calling it quits and you might just spot that error!

Source – Pexels

If you’re still not sure what’s wrong, feel free to scroll down to view the solution.


The error concerns that glass bottle. Though the bottle is no longer full, it still has an unbroken seal on the top. How is that possible?

Credit – BrainyCounty

Were you able to see that the bottle was no longer full? How long did it take you to spot the mistake?


If this challenge was too easy for you, try cracking the puzzle below as well.

Credit – BrainyCounty

This time, your task is to spot the error in a picture of a kitchen that can be found inside a house located in the countryside.


If you take a close look, you will quickly see a dish rack with utensils and dishware on top of it. You might also notice that the sink is filled with water and that a glass bottle is resting near the kitchen window.

But did you find the error yet?

Credit – BrainyCounty

This time, the mistake concerns the sink. As you can see, it is filled with water even though the plug is not in use. The drain must be clogged!


How fast were you able to solve these brainteasers? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!