If you enjoy traveling, you probably can’t wait to visit Venice and stroll around the romantic city as the sun begins to go down.
Sadly, we’re not here to arrange a trip to Venice for you. Instead, we will put your eyes to the test with a clever picture puzzle that has been making rounds on the internet.
In the image below, you can see a couple riding a gondola and enjoying the view of the grand city. Somewhere in the picture, however, there is also a big error. Find it!
Have you spotted the mistake yet? To solve the mystery, you won’t even have to zoom in because the mistake is quite large and obvious!
Is there something wrong with that gondola or the man operating it? Or perhaps the error lies in the poles to the left or the buildings in the background?
Now is your final chance to crack the puzzle. Once you’re ready to give up, scroll down to view the solution!
Before you call it quits, here’s one final hint that might just help you pass the test! There is something odd about that gondola. Try checking some real-life photos of the boat to see how it’s supposed to look!
Alternatively, you can also check the solution below!
The error is the gondola itself. It has a large sail even though these boats never have a sail.
Did you manage to find the error on your own? Now that you know how gondolas are supposed to look like, here are also some fun facts about Venice that might convince you to take a trip overseas!
Venice serves as the capital of the Veneto region in Northern Italy. The city was built on wooden poles back in the 5th century following the collapse of the Roman Empire.
Nowadays, the city consists of 177 canals and 417 bridges. Though the city lies just one meter above sea level, it sinks as much as 1 to 2 millimeters every year.
Throughout the decades, the population of Venice drastically decreased, whereas some experts predicted that the city will be completely emptied by 2030.
How quickly did you figure out the puzzle? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and stories, follow us on Facebook!