Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Almost No One Could Spot The Mistake In This Viral Picture! But Can You Figure It Out?

Puzzles and riddles are one of the best sources of entertainment and fun.


Whether you’re a returning champion or a new visitor, we welcome you to take part in the mental workout we have prepared for today.

Below, you will see two picture puzzles and it’s your job to crack them both in less than one minute each. Let’s start with the fishing scene. Take a close look, focus, and find the error in the picture!

©Natalia Tylosova for Bright Side

The boat is afloat and that’s definitely a good sign. How about our fisherman? His face appears a bit red, but that’s probably just because he got a bit sunburned while out on the sea fishing.


If nothing is wrong with the boat, the fisherman, and the fishing rod, you might be asking yourself what all the fuss is about.

Source – Pixabay

To spot the error, you’re going to have to focus on the catch! Take a closer look at that fish hanging off the hook. Is this how fish are supposed to look like?


Did you figure it out yet? The mistake is actually something that is missing in the picture. That fish doesn’t have fins!

©Natalia Tylosova for Bright Side

How long did it take you to find the error? If you want more fun and another chance to put your brain cells to the test, worry not because the second challenge is coming right up.


In the picture below, you will see a guy picking up strawberries from the bush in the garden. You might also notice a tiny house in the back and a fence that goes all around the property.

©Natalia Tylosova for Bright Side

Somewhere in this picture, there is also a major error. In fact, we already mentioned the error in the sentence above!


Here’s a hint to help you solve the puzzle before we reveal the solution. The mistake concerns the bush that strawberries are growing on.

As it happens, the entire bush is a mistake. Strawberries don’t grow on bushes!

©Natalia Tylosova for Bright Side

What are your thoughts on this puzzle? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and stories, follow us on Facebook!