Categories: Family

Young Boy Broke Into Tears As He Opened His Christmas Gift And Found Out He’s Going To Become A Big Brother

The Christmas season is a period where you gather with your loved to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.


  Most people find it easy to spend their day celebrating in church while other visit the less fortunate. On the other hand, some folks love spending the day with their loved ones.



All in all, it doesn’t matter where you spend the day. The most important thing is to touch someone else’s heart and make a difference in their lives.


You can do that by offering gifts or simply spending time with them. In whatever way you choose to spend this season, at least make sure you put a smile on another man’s face.



Similarly, during this festive season, there is someone filled with sorrow. Apparently, this season reminds them of the painful ordeals they had to go through or a loss they incurred.




And this family, knows too well what it means to be in a depressed mood while others are merrymaking.


In an interview with Love What Matters, they shared their heartbreaking story, accompanied by a video.


2016 was a hard time for Davidson and his family members.  As the oldest son, he always yearned to have siblings. On the other hand, his mother wanted to make his son happy while at the same time she longed to make a new addition to the family. Luckily enough, she became heavy with twins. It was a joyous moment for this family. Finally, all their dreams were coming true, and they could not wait to embrace their new bundles of joy.



You know most people believe twins are double blessings. Imagine having two kids running all over the house, doing the same things and being cheeky while covering for each other. At times, they can really get on your nerves, but that is the joy of having twins or triplets.



Unfortunately, they could not hold their joy for long.point 52 | 6 months down the line she lost the babies.point 87 | What a double tragedy? The family could not clearly understand why all this was happening.point 163 | They had really tried hard to conceive other children with no luck.point 219 |


Therefore, when God gave them twins, it was a blessing that had finally knocked on their door.point 78 | So, it was difficult to digest the reality that their unborn kids were no more.point 143 | More so, the death of these two twins took a heavy toll on their son Davidson.point 206 |


He couldn’t believe that his dream was so near yet it was snatched away in a blink of an eye.point 80 | 1


Though, as days turned into months, the fateful ordeal faded from their memories slowly.


Luckily, this time around fate was smiling with them. As this year’s Christmas approached, they were among the happy folks in the neighborhood. Finally, a bouncing rainbow baby was on its way.




And to break the good news to his son, they wrapped up a box full of presents. Davidson took his time to unwrap the gift. Bingo! On opening there was a sonogram inside; it had the details of his little sibling.


At last Santa had made his Christmas wish come true.

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