Categories: Familylife

Mother Recalled Moment Stranger Took Away Her Baby From The Hospital Room

Image via Conservative Tribune

Every mother wants to make sure that her baby is safe and healthy.


And that’s exactly why Lory Snyder took her 4-month old baby girl named Lorelai to the hospital for excessive bleeding.

When she went into the hospital, Lory felt better because she thought that Lorelai was in good hands.
Little did she know that she’d be worrying about the whereabouts of her baby in a little bit.


In between treatments, Lory brought her baby into their hospital room to rest.
Since Lory was also extremely tired, she fell asleep after putting Lorelai down in her crib.

Image via Facebook

About an hour later, Lory woke up, and she almost fainted.

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Lorelai’s IV pole was gone. The diaper bag was gone. The crib was gone.

Her baby was gone.

Lory immediately ran out of her room, and started to look for her baby.

Down the hall, Lorelai heard a group of people talking and laughing in another patient’s room.
So she went in, hoping to get some help. When she went inside, she was stunned once again.


Someone was holding her baby.

And this person was neither a nurse, nor someone that she knew.

On her Facebook post, Lory recalls this shocking encounter.point 128 |
point 128 |
“I proceeded to take Lorelai out of her arms.point 271 |


even though she persisted that I return to my room, without Lorelai.point 57 | She stated repeatedly that I needed to just go rest.point 100 | I told her no, that I was fine, and I would be taking my daughter back now.point 159 |
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I removed Lorelai from her arms, and the nurses who had been standing around gathered up her things, because along with taking Lorelai she also took my diaper bag (which had been emptied around her room), IV pole, and crib Lorelai was in sleeping in.point 365 |


point 7 | 1

“We then returned to our room. Three nurses followed me. They all trying to assure me that my child was in no danger, that they knew the patient, and she meant no harm.

It was then that I looked up and saw that Ms. Harris (the woman who had taken Lorelai) had also followed us back to our room. She once again persisted that I return Lorelai to her, and that I rest.”


Lory said that she was terrified – she didn’t know what Ms. Harris’ intentions were, but she’s never seen her before. As the nurses in the room explained, Ms. Harris was a patient, too. That, however, didn’t make Lory feel better. If she was a patient, then making contact with her infant baby could endanger Lorelai’s health.

Image via Babble

And, besides, just the fact that someone took her baby without letting her know was simply wrong.

“Whether or not the intent of harm was or was not there, a child should never be taken in the way in which my daughter was,” said Lory.
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Even though everyone including the hospital staff and even the police didn’t think that it was a big deal, it definitely was for the Snyder family.


I can’t even imagine how scared and shocked Lory must have been when she woke up to see that her baby was gone.

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