Categories: Familylife

Mother Forces Daughter To Wear Same Clothes For A Week To Teach Her ‘Stop Bullying Friends’

Amanda Mitchell from Newfoundland, Canada, emptied her nine-year-old daughter‘s room except for her bed and a pair of clothes.


It was a punishment for bullying her friends at school.

Mitchell wrote on Facebook: ‘’She has nothing,’ ‘Welcome to Mummy’s Juvenile Detention Center little girl.’’


Mitchell said that her daughter is required to wear the same outfit for a week complete with an anti-bullying shirt, after picking on her best friend.  “I will wash it at night once she goes to bed, but I won’t tell her that,” she wrote.


Mitchell also said that this week daily her daughter will be required to write times 50 each ‘’I will not lie,” “I will be kind to everyone,” “I will behave at school,” “I am responsible for my own actions.”

She revealed that she doesn’t post this kind of stuff on Facebook but had to because was ‘so disgusted and disappointed’ in her daughter.


Mitchell told: ‘’I got a call from her teacher on Friday, explaining how Hannah has been acting up all week in class,’ she explained.   

‘At least two days in a row she has been found wandering the halls during lunch when she is required to remain with her class.’’


‘’She was picking on one of her best friends and really hurt the little one’s feelings. Lying to other teachers about her own (AMAZING) teacher.’’


‘And generally just acting like an a*****e. Yes, I just said a*****e. Why? Because she’s acting like one. I know she’s not an a*****e, but if the shoe fits, right?’

Mitchell said she didn’t believe the punishment was harsh at all.


‘’If she grows up to break the law, then the result is jail and that’s not what I want for my children,’ she wrote.

‘’I think the problem with this generation is inadequate punishment. Punishment is bad we should only use positive reinforcement and ignore all bad behavior – NOT in this house.’’


People who saw this Facebook post really appreciated Mitchell and commented ‘’’awesome parenting’’.

One person wrote: ‘’This is how to teach children there are consequences to their action. This is how they learn.’’


But others were more critical, with one person saying they felt the punishment was ‘extreme’.

‘How old is your child? I feel like taking away toys, electronics, etc. But making your child wear the same outfit to school for a week and stripping her entire room…overboard,’ they added.


Later, Mitchell made her Facebook post private and told Metro that her daughter was shocked when she first saw her room but  Hannah has since become ‘very remorseful and apologetic’ over how she had been acting.

Mitchell also shared that the negative comments made her rethink and she decided to lessen her daughter’s punishment. Instead of 50 times she was made to write each phrase 25 times and had to rotate between four anti-bullying shirts instead of one during the week of punishment.


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