Categories: life

Mom Was Stunned After Her 11-Month-Old Baby Grew A Fang Overnight

babyfang.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Mom Was Stunned After Her 11-Month-Old Baby Grew A Fang Overnight

A mom was stunned after seeing her 11-month-old son grew a fang overnight.


She brought him right away to a local hospital.

Baby Oscar O’Byrne from Drogheda Ireland left his mother Tara shocked when she checked on him one morning and discovered he had sprouted a huge spiked tooth.


Speaking about the incident, she told the Irish Mirror: “I went in to him around 7am. I usually give him a soother and he goes back asleep for an hour, but he kept crying.

“So I took him out and changed him but when I went to feed him, I found the tooth in his mouth. It had grown overnight.”


She brought her baby to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. However, the doctors spent more time arguing what it was instead of checking on her son.


The frustrated mother then took Oscar to Temple Street Hospital where they were taken to a dentist.

“We got an appointment and brought him in. I had to hold him and hold his arms down while she took the tooth out,” she added.


“Whatever way the suction was caused the tooth to go up his nose. I had to wind him to get it out, but he was okay.

“There were dentists coming in to take pictures of the tooth and everything. We took it home to show Oscar when he gets older.


“We were terrified at first but now we’re seeing the funny side. Me and my husband were laughing about it, it’s mad – especially at this time of the year!”


What’s your take on this? Did you also think that the baby was about to turn into a vampire? SHARE this with your family and friends!