Categories: Entertainment

21 Hilarious Mothers Reveal The Secrets Of Motherhood

Everyone knows that being a mother is one of the toughest jobs in the world, if not the toughest.


If you’ve ever had to watch children for a day or two, you know how much of a handful they truly are. Even when they’re calm they’re still running around!

Moms can never rest and they always need to be on high alert. Your child’s safety is always your top concern, but also making sure they’re happy and healthy.


A mom’s job is never truly done and it can take a lot out of even the most prepared moms. From the outside motherhood seems easy, but the moment you decide to become one until the moment you give up is utter hell!

Unsurprisingly, this amount of stress and constant working can take its toll on even the best of mothers. Even just a single night off is a blessing that not all mothers can have. For those moms who can never truly relax, it’s not surprising that they tend to lose it some of the time.


Down below is a list of some hilarious mothers who come hell or high water are still holding it together, if only barely.

Mom has a ‘drinking problem’

Sometimes kids say the darnedest things, other times they’re saying it about you!

Whatcha drinking Mom?

It’s no secret the only thing that keeps me going at this point is coffee. I can’t imagine if my kids ever got a hold of it!

Fighting Over The Kids

Don’t lie, you’ve been there too!

The Never-ending Battle

This is why I never learned how to cook well. If they’re not going to eat why put in the effort?


But is it contagious?


Ending things with a bang…

Or is it a whimper? I’m not sure anymore!


Sleeping In

Why do they never sleep in on the weekends like they do on the weekdays?


Patience Is A Virtue

The true test of patience is watching a child spend an hour eating their cereal


Always Stay In School

Wait… Is this why my mother always told me to do every after school activity I could?


A Game All Moms Play Everyday

I’m not sure any Mom ever wins this game

The Times Have Changed

If only there was a middle ground between the two!

Listen To Me Clearly

That’s not even close to what I said kids. Get in the damn car before Mom goes crazy!

The Things You Learn As A Mother

Forget nukes, we need to get granola bars out of the hands of our children!

No More IKEA

Seriously, I am still looking for that screw for our new desk.

Where’s Mom?

It’s the little things that make us through the day, but sometimes we really need those little things.

Excuse You!

Some children forget they owe their entire world to us.

Think Smart, Don’t Work Hard

Hopefully no one else notices

Cooking With The Kids

Lord, give me the strength to finish this cake.

A Fairy Tale Story

It would certainly be the memorable party for everyone, especially Mom!

The Ugly Truth

No one is ever proud to admit the truth, but sometimes it needs to be said!


Real Life Experience

Now our children can know what it’s really like to be a Mom.


Please SHARE if these little jokes lightened up your day!