For a certain monkey in China, food is no joking matter.
At least, that’s what it seemed to be saying when it punched a little girl in the face when she taunted food while it was feeding.
The shocking video was filmed in a zoo somewhere in China. In it, a woman that we presume to be the mother is busy feeding the monkey.

Beside the mother is the young girl and everything is normal so far.
However, a few seconds later the monkey suddenly punches the little girl in the face and it sends her tumbling down the steps and several feet away from the monkey.
Reports say that the child had taunted the monkey by dangling a morsel of food in front of it before pulling it away when the monkey tried to reach for it.
It just goes to show that even animals can have short tempers when you get in the way of their food!
It’s unclear if the child had sustained any injuries and there are no indications of what type of monkey it was.