Categories: Familylife

Mother Faces Backlash Over Her Hardworking Housework Routine

A well-organized mother started a big debate on Facebook after dividing the parents by sharing her housework routine.


Brooke Smith is a hardworking Australian mother-of-four who took to a Facebook page called ‘Mums Who Cook, Clean and Organize’ to open up about her unconventional lifestyle.

©Brooke Smith via news.com.au – Pictured Brooke Smith

As the stay-at-home mother admitted in her post, she never goes to bed before cleaning the house and preparing clothes for her kids and husband.


“I always make sure I don’t go to bed until everyone’s lunches are packed, their clothes are set out for the next day, including my husband’s, and the house is clean, dishwasher is on and load of washing is on,” Smith explained.

Source – Facebook

“Sometimes it means I get to bed at 9, sometimes that means I get to bed at midnight, but I always get up early (4:30 with husband to make his breakfast and coffee).”


The mother also went on to suggest that a “happy mum equals happy household” as she encouraged other mothers to finish the chores “even when you feel like not doing it because you’ll be happy for it the next day.”

©Brooke Smith via news.com.au – Pictured Brooke Smith

After Smith’s post went viral, people started a big debate whereas some mothers praised the Aussie for her dedication to keeping her home clean and in order. Others, however, accused the mom of living in the 1950s and suggested that she should share the workload with her husband and their kids.


Following the backlash, Smith spoke out to news.com.au and admitted that some of the judgmental replies to her post made her feel upset.

“There’s always a mix of negative and positive feedback on anything you post on Facebook but yeah, I think there’s a lot of women assuming that I’m living a ’50s lifestyle, and that I shouldn’t baby my husband,” she told news.com.au.

©Brooke Smith via news.com.au – Pictured Brooke Smith

“But I think that if someone works hard in the sun all day and now after hours to make their business work, I think it is the least I can do and he shouldn’t be expected to come home and cook and clean.”


She also went on to defend the traditional family roles as she insisted this kind of lifestyle works for her family and makes everyone happy.

©Brooke Smith via news.com.au – Pictured Brooke Smith

“Yes, being a mum is hard work and yes, I do work for the business as well,” Smith added, speaking of the couple’s MMA Gym and a dog breeding business.


“But I think that for us taking the traditional male and female roles on in our households creates a happy family … Everyone has something that works for them, and this is what works for us.”

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