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A Mother Claimed She Was “Back To Normal” Just Three Days After Giving Birth At Home, Thanks To Dancing

A mother claimed that she was “back to normal” just three days after giving birth and all credit goes to pole dancing.


Georgie Baddley, 26, was swinging around the pole 12 days before her delivery.

Watch her pole dance in the video below.

[rumble video_id=v5vpwp domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

She gave birth to Silas at her home in Oldham, Manchester. Georgie revealed that she decided to choose the exercise regime after her struggle to shift the pounds after the births of her two elder children.


The mother-of-three started loving the exercise and lost a huge five stone. When she became pregnant again, she decided to keep pole dancing for as long as she could.


Georgie claims that she as back to normal in just three days postpartum and didn’t even need any pain relief after delivery. She gives all the credit to unusual exercises that kept her so fit and healthy.


Georgie said: “Going to those classes every week with lots of lovely women and trying out something so different has been amazing.”

“The whole experience has been physically and mentally transformative, I feel like a completely different person now. Pole dancing [when] I was pregnant with Silas was such a good move, it really helped the pregnancy and even the labor.”


”My recovery period after was also so quick – I was back to normal after a week. Obviously I put some weight on again, but really nothing that I couldn’t lose again.”


“During my third pregnancy I only put on about two-and-a-half stone – that was without concentrating on my diet or being conscious of my weight at all. I just wanted to concentrate on keeping as fit as I possibly could, as in my other pregnancies I was very sedentary.


“And my labor this last time was very efficient, in terms of my body and muscles. It was by far my quickest and easiest [labor], from start to finish – no interventions were needed and I just had him at home. My recovery time for me was the strangest thing, as I felt fine just three days later.”


“In my past pregnancies, I was low energy in the weeks following labor – I didn’t walk properly, and struggled with daily tasks. But with Silas I had much more energy and felt able to carry on as normal. I really do believe it was down to how fit I kept through the pregnancy, for sure!”


“Pole dancing’s very core and pelvic floor muscle intensive, so keeping everything working and fit and healthy can make labor much more efficient. I used to put on a good brave face with people, but inside I wasn’t happy – they’d think I was brash, but really I wasn’t at all.”


“Because I’d put on more weight during my first two pregnancies, that got me down, and so I’d eat more to feel better. I was a real ‘secret eater’ – I’d buy a family pack of chocolates, sit in my car, eat it all, and then throw the package away so I wouldn’t be caught.”


“That was such a bad way of coping with a problem that’s easily solved. I never exercised either, because I hated the gym – I still do actually, they’re so intimidating and oppressive.”

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“It’s common for people to ‘yo-yo’ at a certain point, they get so used to seeing big changes in their body that they get disillusioned when that plateaus.point 155 |  To those people, I would say to just keep going.point 196 |  I had a moment where I couldn’t see a big physical difference, and that can be quite disheartening because you’re working hard.point 316 |


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“But it’s just your body’s way of re-shifting weight and toning up. These exercises are so good for your muscles and your core, you see! So don’t give up! Just keep ploughing through, because you will lose a load of weight again after a certain point!”




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