Categories: life

Mother Criticized By ‘Eco Warriors’ After Sharing Her Environmentally-Friendly Shopping Tip

A mother who shared her efforts to shop in a more environmentally-friendly way has been slammed by eco-warriors from all sides after sharing her shopping tip online.


Bonnie Cara Beck is a 33-year-old mother-of-one who decided to share her shopping strategy after one fellow shopper allegedly praised her ‘life hack.’

Bonnie Cara Beck – Facebook

As Ms. Beck revealed, she decided to say goodbye to plastic bags by investing in two large plastic containers which she uses to carry around goodies she buys at the store.


“A random woman in asda car park was so impressed with how I take my shopping home I thought I’d share my idea with you all!” Bonnie wrote on Facebook.

Bonnie Cara Beck – Facebook

“I stopped buying bags a long time ago (trying to save the planet). I keep these containers in my boot and load them up at the car. SO SO easy to carry my shopping at home too! Then when I’m done they slot back inside each other to save space and stay in my boot!”


After sharing her life hack complemented with a picture of her groceries, the post quickly went viral with hundreds of people praising her efforts to reduce plastic waste. Despite her best intentions, however, Bonnie was soon confronted with a backlash by angry eco-warriors who suggested she should opt for organic cotton or paper alternatives rather than buy even more plastic.


In addition, upset viewers went as far as suggesting that Bonnie shouldn’t buy products wrapped in plastic or drive a car to the store, which is 7 miles away from her home, in order to be more environmentally-friendly.


Following the negative reactions from strangers, Bonnie came up with an update in which she wrote:

“I wasn’t trying to make out like I’m doing everything in my power to save the planet. But I am just making small changes where I can to help the situation.


“Can I just add, that manners and respect cost NOTHING. I don’t deserve to be spoke[n] to how I have or be called names. I’m a very nice person and just do my best in life where I can. I just had an idea and shared it with my friends.”


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