Categories: Familylife

Mother Shares How 9-Year-Old Daughter Got Sweet Revenge On Her Bully

bullies2.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Mother Shares How 9-Year-Old Daughter Got Sweet Revenge On Her Bully

One of the biggest problems our society face is bullying.


Aside from hurting others’ feelings, it can cause tragic results if not stopped.

A mother shared a story of her 9-year-old daughter’s victory against a bully at her school. The mom explained her daughter was teased and pressured by a bully who was also manipulating other students.


She posted on Reddit: “Today I got a call from the school my 9 year old attends asking to please come up to the school because my daughter was in trouble for vandalizing another child’s property. This surprised me because my daughter is a bit of a goody two shoes and never gets in trouble so I dropped what I was doing and swung by the school to find my daughter sitting in the Principal’s office grinning ear to ear.


“I was ushered in to take a seat. The Principal immediately launched into a tirade about how my daughter had deliberately broken another girl’s necklace and how unacceptable it was. Once he was finished, I turned to my daughter to hear her side of the story.


“Last year my daughter saved up her pocket money to buy best friend necklaces for her and this girl. I ordered them from for her. This year the friendship went belly up when I discovered this girl was trying to extort her friends including my daughter into buying her expensive items on a kids game with threats, backstabbing my daughter and threatening anyone who dared play with her at lunch so she was completely isolated.


“My daughter cut off contact and has been rebuilding her friendship circle and all was going well until this little girl started repeatedly demanding that my daughter give her the other half of the friendship necklace so she could give it to someone else. The fact we were the ones that bought the necklaces to begin with was apparently a minor irrelevant detail.


“My 18 year old niece and nephew are very protective of their young cousins and were quite upset for her so they decided to offer her the opportunity for therapeutic destruction. Last weekend they got out their tools and helped my daughter shatter the charm into 7 or 8 pieces with a hammer, some pliers and had a great time. My daughter put the pieces of the charm in her jewelry box as a reminder of what fake friends can do to you.


“Anyway apparently this girl kept demanding the necklace every day hassling her so my daughter hatched a plan. She gathered up the pieces into a little bag, took them to school today to empty the bag in front of the girl and told her she was welcome to the necklace as long she likes jigsaw puzzles but she will probably need some glue.


“Apparently the girl went red and stormed off to the teacher to say that my daughter had destroyed her necklace and my daughter was sent to the office.


“I couldn’t keep a straight face and burst out laughing. You could see the vein in the Principal’s forehead pop out as he looked at me laughing. I pulled out my phone, showed him my purchase history to confirm that we bought the necklaces and my daughter is perfectly within her rights to destroy her own property if she so wishes.


“He finally dismissed us and my daughter skipped back to class laughing hysterically. My niece and nephew are quite proud and planning to take my daughter out for ice cream this weekend to celebrate her standing up for herself.”


She added: “The bully apologized last week and begged to be friends again.” Her daughter forgave the bully but distance herself from her.

One Reddit user commented: “Absolutely brilliant! Nothing better than the sweet, innocent revenge of destroying your own stuff to screw with someone else’s mind. Good job to your kid!”


Another said: “I like the fact that your daughter was confident enough to know that she wouldn’t get in trouble when you showed up.”

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