Categories: Familylife

Mother Admitted Letting Her Daughter Smoke Weed Before Exams To Boost Her Imagination

A mother has divided the people after admitting that she lets her daughter smoke “a tiny bit of weed” before taking important exams in order to boost her imagination.


PhotoAlto – Sigrid Olsson – Getty Images

As per the Stoke on Trent Live report, the anonymous mother defended her actions by saying:


“When I asked her why she was doing it right before her English Language exam, she said, ‘It gives me more imagination when I’m writing essays I have to make up.’

“My daughter chose to smoke it. She doesn’t touch it anymore. She just used it as a relaxant to get her through her GSCEs and she did really well with her results.

Mixmike – Getty Images

“It’s up to her to learn from her own choices in life. If I’d have banned her from smoking it every now and then, she would have only done it behind my back as every teenager would do.


“I’ve always had a ‘be open and honest’ approach with my daughter and it’s worked well. She hides no secrets from me and her friends, male and female, see me as a surrogate mum and talk to me about their issues and problems. I can’t see that as bad parenting.”


Not only did the mother in question defend smoking weed before taking exams but she also went on to claim that doing so might have prevented diseases such as cancer.


“On the plus side my daughter smoking a tiny amount of weed every now and again, also means that the chances of her getting cancer have probably halved already,” she added.

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“Doing drugs is a no-no but taking a couple of drags of weed when weed itself isn’t chemically manufactured, and is a plant, is not particularly a big deal.


“Weed is a cure for cancer and helps with various other ailments such as arthritis, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, MS, and lots of others.”

After the mum’s controversial revelation went viral, dozens of people praised her for being open-minded and encouraged her to follow her own methods. Not everyone, however, agreed that she was the parent of the year.

Thomson Reuters

“So you found it OK for your child to smoke drugs when taking their GCSEs. WOW!!! Shame on you. You’re supposed to be the parent,” someone wrote.


“You have the right to bring your child or children up how you see fit. But to let them think it’s OK to do drugs, sorry, but for me as a mum-of-three that’s a big no-no,” another one suggested.

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