Categories: life

A Mother Donated 20 Liters of Breast Milk To Premature Babies

Donations are a noble cause.


Donating your belonging, and organs s considered a good deed that can help millions gain life or leverage their lifestyle.

Recently, a woman has set an example to all the mothers out there by donating 20 liters of breast milk for premature babies. 


Gina Mitchell, 36 from Virginia, who is a mother to a baby girl, donated 20 liters of her breast milk to feed the premature babies. Gina’s baby girl was refusing to drink her milk, which she was piling in her freezer.


Gina decided to donate the rest of the milk that is not being used. She thought that there are plenty of premature babies that might be requiring an adequate amount of milk that can improve their condition. 


Gina’s family, including her husband Daniel as extremely happy by Gina’s decision. Daniel added that his entire family is glad that Gina could come up with such a great idea to make use of the excess milk that their daughter was refusing to drink. 


She said that she never understood the worth of breast milk until she became a mother. Breast milk is the sole food for the baby for the first six months. They don’t even drink water and only feed on their mother’s milk. 


When Gina’s daughter Emma started to refusing the milk, Gina started to pile them up in bottles and kept in the freezer, which hardly came in use.


Gina was frustrated to make her daughter bottle feed. That’s when she decided that it better to give it up for those who might actually need the milk. 


For this, Gina contacted her gynecologists and consulted her whether she can do this. With support from the medical officials, Gina was able to donate her breast milk to the premature babies in the hospital. 


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