Categories: Familylife

Mother Gave Birth To The Biggest Baby Girl Even Doctors Were Stunned

A mother of three children Christine Corbitt, from Florida, says this is officially the last of her offspring.


On May 15, Christine delivered a 13 pound and 5-ounce baby girl. Her first two children were similar in size at 9 and 10 pounds. Before delivery, she knew her bump was huge yet did not expect that her baby will be more than 10 pounds.

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Image source: Erica Simon/Twitter

She said: “It looked like they pulled a toddler out of my belly,” that she heard the doctors laugh in shock when the baby was delivered.point 440 |


 “When the baby was coming out, I was like, ‘Is this baby ever going to end?’ Everybody in the room kind of just stopped during the delivery and was like, ‘Oh my gosh.point 144 | Oh my gosh,’” Edelenbos explained.point 182 | 1

Image source: Erica Simon/Twitter

As said by WebMD, any newborn child who is conceived more than 8.8 pounds is referred to as macrosomia, which means an infant that is bigger than normal. This can be caused by a mother’s weight gain, genetics, diabetes and if the child is conceived over two weeks past the due date.


Christine’s husband Larry Corbitt told: “We even contacted Pampers and Huggies to help us out because everything we got to prepare is just out the door. None of it fits. She’s in size 3 diapers. The clothes she had on yesterday was a 9-month outfit. She’s huge.”


Carleigh was conceived by C-section six days before her due date and would have become significantly bigger had they waited. Larry Corbitt said that Christine’s pregnancy was ‘rough’ because of anemia and an unexpected kitchen fire at their home a year ago.

Image source: yahoo.com

He said: “Twenty-seven percent of her body was burned, down both of her arms and both of her legs,”


“But they’re both doing great now,” he confirmed. “My wife is a trooper for everything she’s gone through.”

After delivery, Christine said:  “I’m done. I’m done. No more babies for me.”

When tests proved that she was clear, Carleigh was discharged and prepared for a cute photoshoot with a local photographer at Sweet Smiles Photography Studio. She looked extremely adorable.

Image source: Sweet Smiles Photography Studio