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Mother Left Unable To Sleep In Her Apartment After A ‘Ghostly Figure’ Appeared In Her Photo With Friends

A mother has been left unable to sleep in her apartment after she noticed a ghostly figure in her photo with friends.


Rebecca Glassborow said she was left terrified after she and her friends took a group photo as they enjoyed alcoholic beverages in her apartment.

After taking the shot, they immediately noticed that there was an uninvited guest in the room with them.

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Some of her friends believe that the black figure behind them is a ghostly woman with long, black hair.


Rebecca says she is now convinced that the apartment is haunted after hearing a rumor that someone had passed away in the bath of the flat where their group photo was taken.

“It’s a photo that sends a shiver down your spine – it’s actually quite scary,” the mother-of-one said.


“We were like, ‘oh what’s that?’ – it was quite freaky. We were all a bit freaked out and looked around the room as if to say ‘what could that have been?’”

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The 30-year-old continued: “We don’t know what it is – a few of us have said we think it’s a woman with long brown hair. There was literally nothing around us and it just appeared in photos – it was really weird.


“My neighbour who lives in this flat says ‘well, you should be more afraid of the living than the dead’ so she’s got that motto but I live above the flat and it goes through my head.

“I have thought while I’ve been in bed about dark figures being in the flat and coming into the bedroom – it has played on my mind a little bit in that way and has kept me up in the past.”

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“Since that photo I think the building is haunted – it has definitely changed my opinion about the flats we live in,” Rebecca said.


“We have heard some noises occasionally and we just put it down to ‘we live in a block of flats, it must just be the neighbours’ but we’re not really sure.

“We all joke about it now and we call her (the figure) Flo as we said that she ‘goes with the flow’.”

Kennedy News and Media

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