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Mother Asked For $100,000 On GoFundMe After Starting A Police Chase With Her Expensive Car

untitled design 58 1.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Mother Asked For $100,000 On GoFundMe After Starting A Police Chase With Her Expensive Car

A mother who led the police on a high-speed police chase in her expensive $260,000 car is now begging people to donate $100,000 on GoFundMe because she can’t get a job due to “constant police harassment.


27-year-old Margarita Tomovska from the UK reached the speeds of over 130 mph as she led the police on a chase with her toddler seated unrestrained in the back seat of her $260,000 luxury Mercedes.

Margarita Tomovska

After the pursuit, Tomovska appeared at the court wearing a $2,400 Balmain dress and $1,725 jeweled Gucci sunglasses among other expensive pieces.


Following her clash with the police, the 27-year-old has been claiming “constant police harassment” has left her jobless which is why she started a GoFundMe page and asked her followers to help her raise $100,000 to pay for her lavish lifestyle consisting of casino nights and designer clothes.

Margarita Tomovska

“I know you all don’t know me but I’m actually not a bad person,” Tomovska wrote on GoFundMe where she managed to raise almost $200 in less than a day.


“These dogs are liars and have something against me for no reason as I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Margarita Tomovska

“Due to the bull**** that they have made up about me on current affair they have restricted my rights to see my daughter. They have made it very hard for me to maintain a job as no one would hire me due to the bull**** from raptor and ACA combined.

Margarita Tomovska

“So I created this GoFund me to raise some support against the bullshit that they have done to me and everyone else. It’s about time we fight back. Enough is enough!


“Any help you all can give against raptor and ACA and any other form of organization that wants to leach of my back with made up lies.


“Thank you in advance for your support.”

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