Categories: Familylife

A 33-Year-Old Mother Got Engaged to a 65-Year-Old Man And This is What They Say About Their Relationship After 3 Weeks

Recently there has been a lot of talk going on in the media about a couple who got engaged just three weeks after they met, and married the same year.


However, the commotion is not about the short span of time they know each other for, but the age difference of 32 years between them.

Charity Wilson, who is a Public Service graduate and also a support worker, first met David, who was a part-time chemistry teacher then, at a Christian group event in the year 2012.


Wilson, who is now 40, was not looking for any serious relationship at the moment. However, David, who is now 72, confessed his love for her the first time he saw her.

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Nevertheless, they started dating, and three weeks into it, Wilson realized how madly in love she was with David and agreed to his proposal without hesitation.


They were engaged for eight months after which they got married and have been happy ever since.

Wilson has two children from her previous relationship, Sharz, and Kiki, who are 12 and nine respectively. They equally are fond of David and have already started calling him their ‘dad.’

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Although they have received ample amounts of stares from strangers due to their odd pairing, David and Charity couldn’t care less and are only getting stronger each day.


However, when asked about this, Charity said that since she wasn’t looking for love to start with, she never considered David to be anything than just friends.

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However, she quickly found out what an amazing personality he has and found that they have a lot in common due to their Christian faith.


Soon after this got them talking, she realized how amazingly in love she was with David. To this, she also added that she was so happy when she saw her children love David so much.

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Now that they are so closely knit, it does not really matter to them, and also her outlook in life is very different from caring about judgments from strangers.

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Praising her husband, she humorously added that he does not even look his age, so it is not much of a problem.


She said that he is like a 72-year-old with the spark of a 17-year-old in his smile and habits.she also added that she is glad for him as he brings in unconditional love and trust to the relationship, as she has never experienced before.

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