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Mother Hen Was Seen Protecting Her Chicks From Heavy Rain

hhhh.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Mother Hen Was Seen Protecting Her Chicks From Heavy Rain

Mothers, nothing is left that has not already been said about them.


 They are the phenomenal souls that take the responsibility of growing a child inside their body. They go through the unimaginably terrible pain that is enough to kill a person but they don’t die just to give their children a better life.

Mothers have the courage to keep them second and their children first no matter whatever the situation comes. They never let anything affect their children in a bad way in their power.


God cannot take care of all his children and so he gave this duty to mothers and the mothers do great justice to their duty.point 134 |  They make sacrifices no one else can make just to see a little smile on the face of their children.point 236 |


 They put in their best to protect their children from any and every adversity.point 85 |  They can fight against anything, even if the thing is not in their power to keep the young ones safe.point 191 |  But does these characteristics only apply to human mothers?point 244 | 1

Viral Hog

We were wondering about this question and then this video popped up. The video shows how a mother hen is protecting its chics by covering them and making a protective cover out of its wings to keep the chicks safe.


The video was shot in a local fish market in the city of Vishakhapatnam in south India. In the video, a hen standing in the middle of the market had no cover on its head. The storm was heavy, and the rain was falling continuously. The Hen was out on the street with its chicks and her chicks were young to handle a storm on their own.


The mother decided to give its little babies a cover right in the middle of the street when it found out that the storm can harm its babies. The video went viral on the internet as it showed so much motherly love. The video gained the attention of thousands and more than 50,000 people have watched it already.


The comment section of the video was filled with comments by people. Some were praising how a mother can go to any extent to protect her children and some talked about how nature has made mothers who are so loving. One man even criticized the owner of the hen and its chicks for not providing them a proper shelter.


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