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Heartbreaking Picture Of A Mother Holding Her Stillborn Baby Who She Lost Because Of The Mistakes Of The Hospital Staff

A 28-year-old mother gave birth to her stillborn baby son Beau in May 2018 at Grimsby’s Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital.


After realizing she gave birth to a stillborn baby, Stephanie Broadley blamed the staff who didn’t do anything when she told them that she could not feel her baby moving while she was in labour.

Mrs. Broadley, who had already suffered one miscarriage in the past, was at ‘high risk’ of miscarrying again.


However, the staff at Grimsby’s Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, believed she was at low risk and didn’t check her vitals during labour.


The devastated mother has now criticized the midwives who kept telling her everything would be fine and that it was normal.

She said she repeatedly told the midwives that something was wrong and she couldn’t feel any movements at all.


But, they took no action and told her it was normal.


She said: “I was repeatedly saying that I didn’t think things were right but now I wish I had been more forceful and loud. The problem is that you place your trust in the people who are there to care for you.”


“They didn’t increase heart-monitoring, even when I lost blood and it was a funny colour, and they didn’t call for a consultant to see me.”

Now, the mother has shared a heartbreaking picture of herself cradling her stillborn baby.


She said she held her stillborn baby in her arms and sobbed. She said she feels like she let him down.


After losing her child, the mother contacted medical negligence specialists at Hudgell Solicitors for investigation.


During the investigation, it turned out that the staff at the Grimsby hospital assumed she was at low risk while she was at ‘high risk’ due to her previous miscarriage.

The investigation shows the staff at the Grimsby hospital suffered from ‘task blindness’.


Mrs. Broadley and her husband, who already have six children, are now having another baby but Mrs. Broadley says losing Beau has left her mistrusting of hospitals.


She said: “Losing a baby because of the mistakes of health professionals is not something anybody should go through.”



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