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Mother Ignored Her Daughters Who Tried to Tell Her That There Was A Creature Living In Their House

Kids, especially toddlers are great at creating stories and imaginative friends.


It is nothing bizarre when you see a little kid making a completely out of the blue story or imagining having a friend that does not exist in real life.

This was the same thing this couple believed when they were told by their daughters that there was something, some creature which is not human, living in their house.

Caitlin burch

A family of four living in Ohio had no idea they had a guest living in their house for the past 3 days and when they found out, they were left shocked and terrified.


The incident happened last year in the summers when Caitlin Burch (37) and her husband Bryan (38) were told by their two daughters that there was a creature living in the room in their house.

The parents after being aware of the situation did check up once but gave it away as imagination or a game played by their young girls. But they realized the girls were not imagining the situation when they found out a possum living in the room for 3 days.

Caitlin burch

She said that they did not believe their girls until one day when their younger daughter who was 7 years old came running to them and said that the creature was in the closet.


They took a look of it and found the possum hiding in the closet. The snake was peeking from the inside of a dress.

Caitlin burch

Burch wrote on her Twitter that there were a few signs like their hamster went missing, the dog food went missing and the toys would get out of their place on their own.


She said that the snake was hiding in the toys inside her daughter’s room. But fortunately, they did not end up being bitten by the snake. They then called to get the creature away and within 2 hours it was gone.

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