Mother leaves children locked in room without food for nine days:
Video Credit: Anna Liesowska
A mother, who left her two toddlers without food in an apartment in Kiev, Ukraine for nine days to have fun with her lover, shows no emotions after her son died.
Vladislava Trokhimchuk, 23, left her daughter Anna and son Danill in an apartment without food for nine days.
The evil mother has been charged with the ‘deliberate murder’ of her son Danill, almost two years old. Luckily, her daughter Anna, nearly three, survived.

The children were found alone locked in their ‘nursery’ which has been described as ‘pure Auschwitz’ and ‘a torture room for children’.
They were eating wallpaper and plaster covers as their teeth marks were found on the walls.
When asked why she left the children for nine days, the evil mother initially said about:
‘As soon as I could I went to the children – with groceries and toys. Anna was lying on the bed, sleeping. I woke her, gave cottage cheese, and a banana. I kept her in my arms.’
‘And then everything was like in a terrible dream … I do not understand how it happened. ‘
‘I cannot find an excuse for myself. I always wanted the best for children. I dreamed they would study, live differently than I do, better. That they would have everything.’
‘I repent very much. I cannot understand what I did, or that God took my son from me and put me here (in custody).’
Journalist Valentina Mudryk from 1+1 TV channel said: ‘She knew what she was doing when she left the children in that flat, according to the psychologist’s assessment.’
‘But she feels no remorse, at all. If for the first two months after detention she cried and said she was feeling guilty, now she doesn’t answer judges questions about this.’
‘She looks calm. Outside the court, she laughs and chats to fellow inmates, who she leads. She does sport (in remand prison), dyes her hair, and lives there like she is in a holiday home.’
‘Recently I saw an engagement ring on her finger. When I asked who it is from, she just hid her hand and said nothing.’
TV reporter Mudryk said about the torture room where the children were found:
‘When Yulia opened the front door, her hands were trembling, she could hardly put the key into the hole.’
‘In the room where little children spent those horrible nine days there are still signs of their sufferings and their attempts to survive.’
‘Wallpaper, torn to tiny pieces, excrement in their potties and on the walls. And at the same time, there was food in the kitchen all this time. Cutlets and soup were in the fridge.’
‘If the mother had not shut the door to the nursery, her son and daughter could have found food in the fridge and could have drunk the tap water.’
She has been facing up to 15 years in jail while her lover, Anton Podchapko, is on the run.
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