A mother was left traumatized when a midwife said “hurry up” during labor because it was almost time for her to clock out of work.
TikTok user @sueomanii recalled her horrifying birthing experience in one of her videos on the platform.
The mother claims that her midwife rushed her labor because she wants to end her shift on time.
Weeks after @sueomanii gave birth, she experienced severe abdominal pain and was rushed to the hospital. This is when she found out that she still had some of her placenta left inside her womb.
Apparently, @sueomanii was left with a retained placenta that is the size of her hand inside her, which required surgery to remove it.
She revealed that it smelt “so bad” and could have resulted in a life-threatening infection.
The TikTok user insisted that the experience will leave her “traumatized” forever.
“When I was in labor with my daughter and it was time to push, my midwife was telling me to ‘HURRY UP’ as her ‘shift’ was over,” @sueomanii revealed. “When it was time to deliver the placenta she was telling me to ‘hush’ and stop screaming. She quickly delivered my ‘placenta’ and was done with her shift.”
The mom explained that she felt that something is wrong in the week that followed her baby daughter’s birth and that she was experiencing unimaginable pain in her stomach.
“After I delivered my daughter I was having so much abdominal pain but dismissed it as childbirth,” she continued. “7 days later I was massaging my stomach… something was coming out of me and I was so scared thinking, what is thaaat?!”
“My husband was traumatized and rushed me to hospital,” @sueomanii said in the video. “When I was being examined in triage the nurses were shocked because of what they found.”
She then explained that she had retained a placenta.
When a part of the placenta remained in the womb after giving birth and, if not treated, it can cause serious complications to the mother.
“Turns out the midwife didn’t clean me properly and there was retained placenta inside me that was the size of my hand,” she said. “I later had a scan to see if there was any more.”
“The scan showed that there was in fact more retained placenta which I then needed surgery to get rid of the remaining,” she added. “The retained placenta smelt so bad which could’ve led to an infection.”
“Complications of a retained placenta include heavy bleeding, infection, uterine scarring, blood transfusion, and hysterectomy,” @sueomanii explained. “Any of these complications can lead to death if not diagnosed and treated quickly.”
At the time of this writing, @sueomanii’s TikTok post gathered more than 250,000 views and hundreds of comments, with people left horrified over her experience.
“There are some jobs you can’t treat as a regular job and this is one of them,” one commenter said.
“She’s in the wrong profession if she wanted to clock off on time,” another one has added.
“As a midwife, stories like this disgust me as I always put my women first,” a third one wrote. “I’m so sorry you had to go through this and I hope you took it further!”
“Don’t the nurses just usually swap over?” a person asked. “When I had my little one they just swapped over immediately when it was time.”
“My mum is a midwife and she once stayed two hours late to support a woman and deliver her baby [because] that’s who she trusted,” another person commented.
“My midwife’s shift was ending, another one came in to take over, but she asked me if she could stay,” another mom said. “She saw it from start to finish.”
It turns out @sueomanii wasn’t alone, as other women revealed in the comments that they had gone through a similarly awful experience while giving birth.
“This happened to me!!!” one mother revealed. “My midwife rushed me, was so horrible, made my whole experience awful which led to me being traumatized.”