Categories: life

Mother Saved Her Partner Who Had Severely Injured Her 3 Years Old Son, Rather Than Taking Him to the Hospital

s4 1.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Mother Saved Her Partner Who Had Severely Injured Her 3 Years Old Son, Rather Than Taking Him to the Hospital

They say a mother’s love is the purest love and for a mother, there is nothing more important than her own child.


But in the case we have brought to you today, the same is not reflecting.

This mother accepted her child to die when she could have saved the baby. For this mother, saving her child’s life became less important than saving her partner from the legal charges.


Riley Siswick lived in Huddersfield with his mother and her partner. The three years old baby was found dead in his home and was found two days later after he was severely injured by the partner of her mother Kyle Campbell, 26.


Robert Smith QC, the prosecutor of the case in Leeds Crown Court said that the child was severely injured by Kyle but neither did the mother Kayleigh Siswick, 26 nor did Kyle raised an alarm or took the child to the hospital to get him the aid he needed.


His condition was getting worse and it was clearly visible.


Prosecutor said that little Riley was badly hurt in the abdomen. He was probably hit by a hard object or Kyle had kicked or jumped on him to cause severe injury.


He said that the child was so badly hurt that his internal organs were damaged. The inside of his stomach was harmed by the same and it caused a life-threatening infection called peritonitis.


Mr. Smith said that Riley would have been in extreme pain and the child would have cried out loud out of pain, and the situation was as clear as glass and even a blind man could have noticed that the child needed medical help urgently.


The couple chose not to seek help from medical experts but eventually, they had to call paramedics two days later on the 6th of May. But it was already too late by then as Riley had already died.


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