Categories: Familylife

Pregnant Mother Got Scared Of Her Own ‘Creepy’ Baby During 24-Week Scan

A young mother was left shocked after as she went in for a 24-week scan only to find her baby staring right at her.


As 17-year-old Iyanna Carrington from Virginia, USA, revealed, she was about to discover the sex of her baby when she attended the scanning only for her baby to give her the “devil stare.”

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Branding her own baby a “f*****g creep” on Twitter, the Richmond-based girl admitted she’s “never seen anything like it.”


“I love this devil baby so much already,” Iyanna admitted despite feeling creeped out by her unborn daughter.

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“I was going to see whether she was a boy or girl. They showed her face and she looked normal, then the nurse confirmed she was a girl, but I knew that deep down already.


“Then they put it back on her face and she was just looking right at me like that. I said ‘she looks like a ghost’ in the doctor’s office and the doctor said ‘yeah, that’s very normal.’ She looked a bit crazy.”

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After sharing the scan on social media, Iyanna said that people accused her of faking the scan because the “devil baby” looked so unreal.


“Most babies hide from the camera. She looked towards straight at me and she scared me a bit because the room was dark,” Iyanna added.

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“I don’t know why she looked like that. Some people from the internet thought she was fake, but that’s my real-life baby there.


“The dad was there too. He was shocked by the news that she was a girl, because he has two sons and he thought it would going to be another boy.

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“We were just laughing at the scan. You can see her little nose on the other image. You can tell she’s beautiful really.”


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